If you live in the United States, chances are you're aware of the upcoming Solar Eclipse on April 8th, traversing the country. Certain states will experience a total solar eclipse, where the moon completely obscures the Sun for a period of time. Most states will experience a partial eclipse, where the moon only covers a portion of the Sun. It all depends on how the Sun and moon line up from your specific location.
While solar eclipses are not rare amongst themselves (they generally happen at least twice a year), what makes this eclipse significant is that all of the other cosmic dynamics are taking place at the same time.
The celestial weather is undoubtedly shifting, and this upcoming lunar cycle, starting with the eclipse/new moon on April 8th, has some powerful alignments between other planets that will make this spring season very lively, both individually and collectively. Let's dive in, shall we?
What is Eclipse Season in Astrology?
Anyone who follows Astrology with some relative consistency will eventually come across the term "eclipse season." We are in eclipse season right this very moment. Eclipse season comes around when the orbital path of the moon around the Sun is on the same plane as the Earth's orbit around the Sun. Only certain new moons and full moons are considered "eclipses," and it's when these orbital paths align that the Sun and moon are in exact alignment with each other.
This gets relatively confusing unless you have visuals. If you want to understand the physics of eclipses (highly recommended), watch this video by National Geographic on eclipses. This explains everything you need to know for the purpose of this blog.
This recently passed Lunar Eclipse (on the March 25th Full Moon) and upcoming Solar Eclipse definitely impact the United States, as the alignment between the Sun, Moon, and Lunar Nodes is specifically occurring over this geographical location. In other words, the path of totality tracks across the country. That means many people in the country will either see the moon totally obscure the sun, or even more will see a partial obscuring. When it comes to quantum frequency, those who are in the path of totality will experience the full effect of this celestial alignment. In mainstream Astrology, this Eclipse is taking place in the fiery & bold sign of Aries. If you go by constellation, it’s taking place near the end of the constellation Pisces.
Changes to Our Life Path
That's the general synopsis of eclipse season, especially if you find yourself along the "path of totality" for the eclipse. Eclipses occur when there is an alignment between the Sun, moon, and Lunar Nodes (commonly referenced as one's soul path to growth in this life). Eclipses activate our souls. It's a call into alignment with ourselves. They tend to bring to the surface what isn't working and agitate us into action to make change for the better. Feeling any of that lately?
If you are at a place in life where you are discontented, frustrated, and unfulfilled, you are deeply supported by the Universe to make a change right now.
This Zodiacal energy, considering the layers of Aries & Pisces, is sprouting ground for seeds. I don't typically report on multiple Zodiacial systems, but it feels significant to do so for this one. If you're unfamiliar with the difference between the Tropical Zodiac and Constellation-based Zodiac and want to learn, watch this video!
I am focusing a bit more on the Tropical Zodiac for this because, collectively, in the United States, we are more tuned into this system. It's used by 95% of Astrologers. Aries calls us into our own fire. I like to describe Aries as the most narrow lens of awareness in the Zodiac. Aries is aware of Aries, and that’s its function. Aries cares about one singular agenda and that is the instinctual calling of its own life force. If Aries had a slogan, it would be Nike’s “Just do it.” Don’t think about doing it. Don’t ask permission. Just go for it! This Zodiac sign has a solid connection to instinct, which is a primal drive we all possess. Our rational minds just tend to question it. There is a self-prioritized nature to this eclipse, and I see it rising in many people.
We are sick and tired of tolerating things for the sake of being “nice.” Aries isn’t really known for being considerate of others…or asking permission. That’s Libra territory, the opposing sign of Aries. We dipped our toes in the cooperative waters of Libra during this last Solar Eclipse in October 2023. There is an evolution taking place between this axis plane of Aries-Libra and it is the balance between the self and the partner. When we successfully balance the importance of I and the importance of You, we have harmony. Right now, there is a lot of disharmony amongst our relationships and this Aries eclipse is bringing that way out to the forefront.
The opportunity is to create harmony.
What's also interesting to note with this eclipse is it's not just the Sun, moon, and North Lunar Node coming into alignment. Chiron, the wounded healer, is joining this galactic party. This means wounding (and healing) will be especially present. Watch your triggers. Follow your triggers. Be curious about what triggers you and why. There is an excellent opportunity to build awareness around our own trauma and choose to respond differently.
Many people feel the discord in our relationships—romantic, platonic, work, and otherwise. Many relationships are not in harmony right now and haven’t been for a while…like hundreds to thousands of years. Some of us are completely overpowering without care and abusing that power by taking advantage of others for their own gain. Some of us tolerate being a doormat and call it service. We are either taking too much and not giving enough back or giving too much and not receiving enough back. However you spin the dynamic, it’s out of balance.
We cultivate harmony by feeling an equal exchange of energy. Don’t mistake this for equality amongst roles in the relationship. These are two different things. We must feel that the exchange is equal with our partner. It’s an experience we have when we are with them. Do we feel a balance in the exchange of energy taking place? Again, this doesn’t mean the roles are equal. For example, one partnership could be between a boss and an employee. The roles themselves are not equal here, yet harmony can exist as long as the boss and the employee discuss the terms of the relationship and both agree. You do this work for me. I pay you this much. It is our job, duty, and responsibility to our own souls to agree to relationships where we genuinely feel satisfied with what we are giving and what we are receiving.
Any relationship dynamic other than this contributes to the imbalance of the collective frequency. If you are letting relationships continue in your life that are not harmonious, you are contributing to the discord. I am totally at fault for this myself. I have let so many relationships continue that I knew felt unfair because I thought I was helping them. This is not the case in reality.
Let me give you an example. Let's say a mother continues to let her drug-addicted son keep stealing from her, even bailing him out of jail every time he gets in trouble. This seems like love, doesn't it? A mother comes to save her son whenever he needs help. In reality, what this does is only perpetuate abuse. The son will never resolve his self-harm if he is enabled. Is that really love?
When we love someone, do we allow them to continue harming themselves? If we love ourselves, do we allow others to harm us? Respect and boundaries on a vibrational and experiential level are pivotal for healthy relationships.
I'm certainly not saying we need to end disharmonious relationships. That's not necessarily the answer. It might be, but it might simply mean using your voice to have honest, compassionate conversations with your partner. We can collaborate and shift the dynamics between us if both parties genuinely respect the relationship and are willing to apply themselves. It requires vulnerability. This is about honesty and transparency more than anything else. Are you being authentic in your relationships, and are you being honored by your partner? Are you honoring your partner? There are so many ways this could look. Maybe you just need to have one straightforward conversation with a loved one. Perhaps you need to renegotiate an entire 10-year contract with your client. Your heart knows the way. Trust your heart. The other cosmic dynamics involved in this will support you in tuning in! I'm also here to help.
Other Cosmic Dynamics Involved
There are a few other celestial happenings that color this eclipse. It's a layering of frequency that has the potential for some significant shifts and changes.
Mars/Saturn Alignment in Aquarius Constellation: Taking place in the constellation Aquarius, the warrior meets discipline with this duo. Mars is the ruler of Aries, so there is some confluence here with the eclipse in Aries by the Tropical Zodiac system. This is a very masculine frequency that could bring pressure, aggression, and frustration as well as passion and follow-through with our actions. Aquarius is connected to the collective. It’s about social systems and shared resources. Have you been increasingly frustrated at how restrictive some of our current systems are? Like, who here thinks any kind of insurance is a great program—health, life, auto or otherwise? Most Americans are tired of the growing pressure from the increases in the cost of living to overbooking airplanes…and it all comes does to the American dollar and those sitting at the top wanting to trade morality for power. Kindness doesn’t pay. If it did, would any act really be of genuine kindness? Our systems are not sustainable. I’m not one to believe a transit alone can cause any major disruption in our lives or society. What I do think happens with transits is the subtle shifts of vibrations and frequencies around us cause us to move differently when we aren't aware. This Mars/Saturn dynamic could definitely cause everyone to feel more “on edge” and frustrated. This feeling could cause us to make some decisions that may lead to significant upheaval. The potential is there. More of us could have the courage to take a stand and say something about injustices around us. If enough of the people do this, well, it's somewhat the makings of a revolution…another concept Aquarius is known for.
Mercury Retrograde in Pisces Constellation: This is quite a dreamy, imaginative, possibly confusing kind of mental energy. During this Mercury RX season, we have an opportunity to see the possibility and potential of what our world could be. Pisces is the quantum field. It is the widest lens of awareness of the Zodiac. We are aware of it all. Everything. Our connection is not only with our planet but also with our solar system, our galaxy, and beyond. Mercury is the conscious, rational mind. Do you ever wonder why we decided to create our world like we have? Out of all of the options…our current reality has been co-created by every person alive before us and today. It’s not the only reality, though. There are so many other ways to live and relate to each other. What if money wasn’t a thing? Perhaps we would have something else of the like instead. Money is a frequency, just like everything else. Our relationship and use of it could be very different. What is indeed possible for your life? In a way, culture and society restrict us from everything possible by establishing norms. We learn the “rules” of how to live that were set by generations before us. But what if there is better? In fact, there are many better options. Use that imagination during this next lunar cycle to realize and actualize a more aligned life for yourself. You don't have to do it the way everyone else is. Take it from the modern-day Astrologer who works for herself and no one else. It doesn't mean you have to do it like me. You do it your way! Just make your dreams a reality. This is happening in Aries, according to the Tropical Zodiac. The Pisces/Aries energy here is precisely where this happens. We dive into the quantum dream field, and we actualize it through our inner fire by how we charge forward in life.
Jupiter/Uranus Alignment on Aries/Taurus Cusp by Constellation: This has been a hot topic of discussion for the last several months. If you want to harness that inner fire, this partnership in the sky offers that. The Aries/Taurus cusp is the cusp of grit. It’s where Aries fire meets Taurus persistence. This is an energy where no challenge is too much. There’s a competitive nature to this placement as it is still very oriented towards individual instinct and will. Courage weaves its way in this frequency, as Jupiter is the force that calls us to believe in ourselves, and Uranus directs us away from the status quo and into our individuality. I have a feeling a lot of us who have been playing nice could find a wind of audaciousness to take a stand and stop tolerating behaviors that aren't fair to us. I also think we, the American people in general, will feel more power to use our voices. We are the majority. The ones on top are the minority. Any perceived security on their end is an illusion. Power dynamics could shift more quickly than we realize. It's happened before in history. Many Astrologers say Crypto will take off, and the American dollar will...do something else. This is taking place solidly in Taurus by the Tropical Zodiac.
The Cosmic Invitation
You know me, I love to give practical, tangible ways to work with the stars. I desire everyone to experience Astrology in real time. Here are my recommendations for working with this upcoming eclipse:
Trust Your Instincts: There is a lot of energy calling us home to ourselves this eclipse, which means tuning into your instincts. Instincts are irrational by nature. We don't know why we feel we need to talk to that person; we just do. It doesn't make sense that we want to quit our jobs and backpack across the country at the age of 53. This transit is not about rationalizing your decisions. It's actually more about taking calculated risks. Take a chance on yourself. Believe in what you can do. Your heart is powerful, and it has messages for you. Trust yourself and trust that you are supported by the higher powers that be. When you do, magic happens.
Renegotiate Terms with Compassionate Honesty: We can renegotiate terms in any relationship we have—including the relationship with ourselves. Any relationship that does not allow you to renegotiate the terms for more suitable conditions has a power dynamic present. Consider if you want that power dynamic in your life. It is restricting your freedom to create more harmony in your life. Take honest assessments of your relationships. Ask for what you want. Be honest and transparent because that is love. Do it with compassion. This isn't about steamrolling other people or being too self-centered (one can always go too far). Chiron in this mix could make triggers more prevalent, and emotions run high (depending on where Chiron is in your chart). The invitation is to heal our trauma through compassionate connection. The people who genuinely care about you will meet you there.
Get clear on YOUR goals and stay in your own lane: Do you even know what you really want? It's OK if you don't in every area of your life. We are here discovering ourselves every day. Chances are you do know what you want, at least in one area, whether that be career, family, romantic relationships, or lifestyle. What are your goals? Do they light you up at the thought of you achieving them? Focus on yourself. Don't take things personally. Allow others to align themselves with their hearts just as you are, even if that means they walk away from you. Celebrate that. Any decision that creates more harmony for one person helps us all. Become so involved and excited about what you are doing and where you are going that it doesn't really matter what anyone else is doing.
How This Solar Eclipse & Lunar Cycle Affects You
All the information you just read applies to the collective. This cosmic invitation to explore and navigate power dynamics exists for us all. Much deeper information can be found in your natal chart by looking at your connections to all the cosmic players in this mix. This will pull in specific themes that could show up for you during this season, especially your Lunar Nodes.
For example, someone with a Sun in Aries or the 1st House would feel a call to action with more passion and fire than others. If your Midheaven points to Aries, I would expect a calling towards a significant life shift in your career and contribution to society—one that could change the trajectory of your future work.
Someone who was born with Venus in Aries or the 1st House could end or begin a relationship that has long-lasting effects. I would pay attention to who you meet during this time!
Someone with Chiron in the 11th House could be especially fired up about social injustices and called to take larger system action in their communities.
Learn more about how this energy dynamic is specifically moving in your life.
If you desire to make the most of this transit shift and need a little starlit guidance, I have two offerings to serve you. I always welcome you to book a 60-minute private session with me to get into the nitty gritty of your current circumstances for deeper soul understanding.
I also record 20-minute personal interpretations for anyone who wants my professional insight on this cosmic shift for you specifically.