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Lunar Cycle Report: September 2nd - October 1st, 2024

Writer's picture: Danielle KreyDanielle Krey

Updated: Sep 20, 2024

This next month involves several karmic dynamics specifically related to our relationships, self-worth, and values. As the Sun channels Virgo, we are invited to focus on and develop our health. Main traits and expressions include refinement, improvement, service, and analysis.

Astrology Transit Report on Mars Venus Pluto Alignment in February 2024

It's "Virgo season," as they say in the Astrological community, meaning that the Sun is currently transiting the part of the sky correlated with the Virgo Zodiac sign. This next month invites us to focus on the concepts of refinement, development, health, and improvement on all levels of our life—spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, work, relationships, and beyond.

This next month specifically highlights karmic relationship patterns as Venus aligns with the South Node in Libra on the new moon and then opposes Chiron (the wounded healer) through the middle of the month. With both the Sun and Mercury opposing Saturn in this cycle, the energy moving calls us to take a good, honest, possibly hard look at the health of our relationships and values and make responsible decisions for our own well-being and harmony. This energy could apply to romantic, work, or other 1/1 relationships where some kind of "contract" exists.

My goal in sharing this information is to help you understand the larger cosmic influences that are impacting our environment at large. Our energy fields are always interacting with the vibrational dynamics of the energy field of our solar system, just like every cell in your body is affected in some way by your overall state of being. We are not separate from the Universe. We are part of the system. As conscious beings, we get the privilege of choosing how we move with our environment. We can fight the currents or flow with them. I want you to flow with them and utilize the energy dynamics present this month for growth and expansion in your life. I desire you to make decisions that align with your heart because that is what is best for everyone.

The information below applies broadly to the collective. How this upcoming shift will affect you personally depends on your natal chart. The energetic dynamics of your South Node and Venus placement will certainly be involved. In one way or another, this entire next month is connected to soul growth for us all because there are so many alignments with the South Node. Keep reading to learn more. If you desire more understanding and guidance on the specific frequency patterns moving in your life and how to navigate them consciously from your heart, check out the additional resources and offerings at the end of this blog.

Want to learn more about the lunar nodes and the dynamics of this month? Check out this video.

Astrological Description and Dates

If you don't care about Astrological jargon, you can skip this section! On the new moon (Monday, September 2nd), Venus will be in alignment with the South Node currently in Libra, which will seed this dynamic into the entire next cycle. The first portion of the month will include a Sun opposition with Saturn in Pisces, followed by a Mercury opposition. Venus in Libra will oppose Chiron in Aries for the middle part of the cycle. On the full moon (Tuesday, September 17th), the moon will align with Neptune in Pisces, and both of these celestial bodies will be opposing the Sun in Virgo. The later part of the month includes a Sun and Mercury alignment with the South Node before the next cycle begins on October 2nd.

Summary of Dates:

  • September 2nd - 4th: Venus/South Node alignment

  • September 2nd - 12th: Sun/Saturn opposition

  • September 10th - 22nd: Venus/Chiron opposition

  • September 15th - 22nd: Mercury/Saturn opposition

  • September 16th - 17th: Neptune & Moon alignment, opposing the Sun (Full Moon)

  • September 22nd - 25th: Sun, Mercury & South Node alignment

Practical Translation and Applications to Your Life

This is a month to assess your health in all areas of your life. How "healthy" are you? What does a healthier version of you look like? What responsible actions do you need to take to cultivate a healthier version of yourself (Sun/Saturn opposition)? We are supported in analyzing our lives in greater detail to refine our rituals and routines to improve our health on all planes. It's a great month to start a new habit—as practical as flossing your teeth or maybe as deep as quitting a toxic addiction or leaving a dysfunctional relationship. When we improve our health on one level, our health improves on all levels. Ask yourself what area of your life feels the most unhealthy—work, mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, etc—and focus on what you can do to improve that area.

As much as we like to think we are separate from our environments, we are not. The truth is we are deeply affected by the energy exchange in our relationships. The same as an infected cell in our body can infect another cell, we must recognize the health of our environment as playing a key role in our own health. No one will thrive in relationships where there is abuse, toxicity, or inappropriate power dynamics. You can greatly improve your life by simply looking at the top five relationships in your life and assessing how harmonious they are. Do you feel seen, supported, and loved? Do you feel the energy exchange is equal? This is what Venus in Libra pulls our attention to. If you feel you consistently give more than you receive (or vice versa), not valued or recognized, this is a month to recognize that some new boundaries might need to be placed. When it comes to looking at your relationships through this lens, don't get stuck in pointing the finger at the other person. The functional way to flow with this energy is to take accountability for the fact that you allowed the relationship to develop and continue in the way it did. This is you claiming your power. The Venus dynamics this month are highly connected with karma and karmic relationships. I'm expecting there to be some soul lessons learned when doing this relationship analysis. This is such a good thing! Even if we have to acknowledge our role in a toxic relationship. It takes two to tango.

As the Sun & Mercury oppose Saturn in Pisces, and Venus opposes Chiron in Aries, the invitation is to surrender to the fact that no matter how much we might want to, we cannot change other people. Don't let your energy spiral into frustration in how something turned out. Saturn in Pisces asks us to accept things just as they are if we cannot control them. We cannot control other people. We can only control ourselves. If we consistently remain in a relationship where we are unhappy yet hoping that person will someday change, it isn't healthy for either party. How can we all accept each other, especially the ones we truly love, for exactly who they are? How can we accept our story exactly the way it's happened?

Flow with this energy by focusing on your power to make decisions now that create a healthier and more functional future for yourself. That's learning from your lessons. You control who you allow in your life and to what degree. When you value yourself more, you stop tolerating mistreatment. You start seeking and feeding relationships that honor and nourish you or renegotiate terms in your current relationship that improve them. This makes the entire world a better place. The more we create and experience harmonious relationships in our lives, the better our society becomes. The Venus/Chiron opposition between Libra and Aries is an energy dynamic that supports us in valuing ourselves more and also advocating for ourselves. If you really care about yourself, you set boundaries for how others treat you.

We can do this in a loving way. We can have honest, gentle conversations with others about the truth of our feelings. We can renegotiate the amount of energy we give different people in our lives. We don't necessarily have to end relationships, though that very well might be the best option for some of us.

If you find yourself in aligned and healthy relationships, this is a beautiful month for acts of service and to increase collaboration and cooperation with each other. These energy dynamics could bring partners closer together, improve communication, and the overall health of the relationship. If you meet someone new this month, there may be a past life connection between you, or if you reconnect with an old friend or lover, it could be the cosmic currents aligning you for a deeper purpose. It all depends on the state of your relationships. The Virgo/Libra energy this month could bring up legal matters and a desire to discuss more practical challenges in our lives, like schedules, chores, and other daily tasks. Business partnerships or working conditions could improve, shift, or realign with new terms.

There is a beautiful full moon dynamic with Neptune that supports forgiveness on all levels. This could look like forgiving yourself for "not knowing better" regarding a decision you made or a relationship situation. It could also look like forgiving others for their transgressions and leaning into the expansive realization that we are all here as humans to grow, which includes learning these karmic lessons. Who's to judge what that path looks like for anyone? Everything serves a purpose, and the Pisces full moon reminds us that our judgment as a single human only extends so far. At one point or another, we must surrender to the fact that we don't know everything, can't know the grander purpose of things, or if something in our lives was truly "good" or "bad" in our lives. Release, surrender, and forgive with this full moon.

The end of the month involves a Sun/Mercury/South Node alignment in Libra. While Venus speaks to us through feeling and desire, the Sun/Mercury express themselves through allowing ourselves to be seen and communicating our truth. Throughout this cycle, you might simply feel in your heart where and how things need to change in your life to produce health in your relationships and beyond, and this ending dynamic supports you in actually expressing these felt insights to others and taking action in your life.


Your health is greatly affected by the closest relationships in your life. When we tolerate dysfunctional dynamics with others in our lives, this creates dysfunction in us. When we cultivate harmony, love, and cooperation with others, we grow stronger. This next month has a beautiful energy that supports you in realigning/improving your energy exchange in your relationships, valuing yourself more, developing self-advocacy, and showing those you genuinely care about how much they mean to you. Surrender the things you can't control, like the behaviors of others or events in the past, and focus on what you can do now to develop your health in all areas of your life.

Additional Resources

As an Astrologer and Energy Coach, the purpose of my work is to read, tune, and expand the frequency of your energy field to match what you want to experience, attract & create in your life. Your energy creates your life. If you desire different results to materialize in your life, it all starts on the vibrational plane of your energy field. My work supports manifestation. I have several offerings to take you deeper into this starlit energy work.

Here are my offerings:

  • Free monthly Full Moon Circles: Utilizing the full moon dynamic, I discuss the current Astrological dynamics in greater depth and facilitate energy work to release emotions and expand your energy field.

  • $40 Lunar Cycle Energy Readings: This is a 20-minute recording in which I use your natal chart to share personal details for the month ahead that help you flow with the cosmic dynamics present for you specifically. I talk about "energetic tripping points" to avoid and how to navigate the energy successfully.

  • $110 Astrology Reading and Energy Tuning Session: For deeper clearing and expansion, I utilize your natal chart and the transits to shift the frequency of your energy field to align with the life you want to experience, attract, and create. This 60-minute private session produces quick results and supports you in maintaining more expansive states of frequency in your day-to-day life.

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