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Lunar Cycle Report: August 4th - September 1st, 2024

Writer's picture: Danielle KreyDanielle Krey

Updated: Aug 3, 2024

In sync with Mercury Retrograde, this next lunar cycle in August invites us to channel the Leo themes of joy, play, and self-expression. Being in love with your life is not only the best way to live, but it’s how you’ll be of the most service to everyone. What things can you do this next month that would make you love your life even more? If we all did this, what a different world we would live in.

Astrology Transit Report on Mars Venus Pluto Alignment in February 2024

This upcoming month of August involves the primary Astrological components of Leo, Virgo, and Mercury retrograde, and though I'll be sharing a few other dynamics taking place, the themes associated with these components are the ones to focus on.

Over the course of this next month, the Sun will transition from the Zodiac sign of Leo to Virgo, while Mercury will retrograde from its current Zodiac location in Virgo back into Leo. There's a significant amount of energy that is activating this Leo/Virgo cusp, which is where our expression of love (Leo) meets our desire to serve (Virgo). The movements of Mercury will create a shift in the areas of communication, information exchange, and perception.

The purpose of this report is comparable to checking the weather. Is this upcoming Saturday going to be windy and cold? Plan your activities in accordance! I'm sharing this information so that you can navigate and flow with the cosmic currents rather than feel like you were caught in an unexpected rainstorm. As the planetary positions shift, so does the frequency of the unified field connecting our entire solar system. We're tuning into a different radio station this next month and having conscious awareness about the shifts can support you in maintaining energetic stability and even utilizing the change in quantum information for your own growth and benefit.

The information below applies broadly to the collective. How this upcoming shift will affect you personally is dependent on your natal chart. For example, if Pluto is currently in alignment with or opposing your natal Mercury position, your shadow and subconscious fears would be a large personal theme to navigate, especially in the realm of your thoughts. If you desire personal awareness & energetic guidance for this upcoming month, check out some resources at the end of this blog!

I also invite you to watch this 10-minute video talking specifically about the invitation to the Mercury Retrograde cycle taking place this month.

Astrological Description and Dates

Mercury retrograde officially begins August 4th. For basically the entire month of August, Mercury will appear to move backward in orbit from our perspective on Earth from the Zodiac sign of Virgo into Leo, coming into alignment with Venus in Virgo from the 5th to the 10th, and then the Sun in Leo from the 16th to the 20th. Right smack in the middle of that action, Mars will align with Jupiter in Gemini from the 10th to the 17th. Venus will also oppose Saturn and then Neptune, both currently in Pisces, from the 11th to the 30th.

Summary of Dates:

  • August 4th - 28th: Mercury retrograde from Virgo to Leo

  • August 5th - 10th: Mercury/Venus alignment in Virgo

  • August 11th-20th: Venus/Saturn opposition in Virgo/Pisces

  • August 10th-17th: Mars/Jupiter alignment in Gemini

  • August 16th-20th: Mercury/Sun alignment in Leo

  • August 21st - 30th: Venus/Neptune opposition in Virgo/Pisces

Practical Translation and Applications to Your Life

As shared above, a lot of activity will be taking place between the cusp of Leo and Virgo. This part of the Zodiac cycle of energy is where our passion, self-expression, and love (Leo) meet our call to serve, perfect, and improve (Virgo). There will be a cosmic thread woven through our experiences that highlights if and how much love & passion we feel in our lives versus how much duty, obligation, and service. Mercury Retrograde will impact the function of information exchange on multiple levels. This could be information exchange with another (communication), between larger systems (technology), or our own internal processing of our reality (perception).

Navigating this celestial weather unconsciously could produce annoyance, confusion, and frustration around not feeling understood or seen by others in our lives, or struggle expressing our joy, passion, and love. There could be some cognitive dissonance around the role joy takes in our lives. By this I mean that we could feel a desire or perhaps a call to seek/express more joy and at the same time a mental block that keeps us from doing so.

Pay attention to what stories arise that contain a message that life or service can't be joyful, and question where they stem from. Perhaps you were taught as a child or by society that work or service has to look and feel a certain way, like boring or hard. These are just stories and are certainly not your only options. Plenty of people find joy and play in their jobs. I'm one of them. One could say that it's those who pursue their joy everyday that are actually the wealthiest. You choose how much joy you allow in your life, and that’s really what this shift in planetary frequency is all about. That's the opportunity present for those who navigate Mercury retrograde with consciousness—thoughts that lead you to attract and create a more joyful life.

How you can pursue more of the things that light you up? You don’t have to quit your job or make any drastic life changes. Living a more joyful life can literally be as simple as choosing to make more time for fun, laughter, and creative self-expression any day you can. From going on more evening walks to catch the sunset to freestyle rapping in the car to doodling on your napkin at lunch to trying out a new hairstyle to playing “I Spy” with your coworkers, there is literally NO reason there can’t be more fun in your life. These are lessons from Leo.

On a frequency level, when you’re in a state of joy, play, or passion, your energy field is way more open and in flow with the lighter experiences of life than when you’re in states of frustration, anxiety, or self-doubt. When you start looking for more reasons to have fun, that’s exactly what you’ll continue to find. Where thoughts go, energy flows. What you feed is what grows.

Use this Mercury Retrograde energy to not only build awareness around if, how, and when you allow passion and fun in your life but to get creative in all the ways it's possible. Every single day contains so much potential as to what it can become. We are the ones that restrict what can happen because we move through our days in the same patterns & energetic frequency, essential attracting and creating the same experiences. How can you approach your days with more excitement for the possibilities that might unfold? This would be utilizing the Venus oppositions with Saturn and Neptune in Pisces taking place from the 11th to the 30th. Perhaps you can choose the path less traveled a time or two and let the Universe surprise you.

The alignment with Mars & Jupiter in Gemini can also support this. This cosmic frequency shift produces highly extroverted energy. It’s a beautiful dynamic to get curious and playful with others. Gemini represents childlike energy that loves to explore the environment. Jupiter and Mars together create expansive social energy. This could be expressed a bit aggressively and egotistically, again, if one is unconsciously navigating this shift in frequency. You might see some individuals harshly judging others for their differences, gossiping, and maybe getting up on their high horses. That's not the functional expression of this dynamic. This planetary alignment is an invitation for us to open up to differences between each other. How can you open up to new experiences and people, develop your communication to create more understanding, and expand your perception of the world through embracing differences?

Use this Jupiter/Mars alignment to channel that inner curious, playful child. Go have some fun. The world would be a better place for it. And just NOTICE when thought patterns arise that tell you that you can’t or you’re stupid for doing so because those are some limited stories that you can let go of if you choose. Mercury Retrograde is great for rewiring your mental patterns and embracing new thoughts. This alone creates changes to the vibrations in your energy field. Every thought you think is a complex pattern of neural synapses (electrical & chemical signals). So when you think new thoughts, you're changing your frequency. When you change your frequency, you'll naturally begin to attract and create your life from this new vibration. Tune into the frequencies of fun & joy more, and that's the kind of life you'll attract & create.

Virgo also plays a prominent role in the energy of this cycle, so let's talk about the concept of service. Venus is currently in Virgo and Mercury is as well for the first part of the month. The Sun will move from Leo to Virgo in the later part of the month. Service, health, improvement and growth are all Virgo expressions and carry similar meanings. In order to grow, we need to be healthy. In order to be healthy, we need to service ourselves and make improvements to all levels—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual.

Because of the Mercury retrograde, our mental health is highlighted. The biggest act of service you can do for yourself is the redirection of your thoughts when you begin to feed a dysfunctional mental pattern. Do you let your thoughts and emotions spiral into energetic traps of over-analysis, self-judgment, or anxiety because of the stories you tell yourself? Can you maybe change the story and your perception of what's causing you to spiral? We don't know nearly as much as we think we do most of the time. Our assumptions cause us a lot of suffering. Pay attention to when you assume something about a situation. Are you playing out scenarios that haven't even happened? Instantly assuming the worst? Why?

You have full control over your thoughts and that's why they are so powerful. No one can make you think anything. You can think about whatever you want anytime you want. Service your mental health by practicing redirection of thoughts to healthier patterns. It takes practice. When we've perpetuated the same neural patterns for years in the way we think, it takes repitition and time to create new neural patterns. It is worth it. Your perspective creates your reality. Use this upcoming Mercury retrograde to think and live more joyfully. This is a service to everyone.


Do more things that make you feel joyful, happy, and passionate and catch your mind when you make excuses on why life can’t be more pleasurable. Rewire those thoughts. Make more time for playful explorations & communication. Embrace curiosity and differences in others. And know that when you successfully have a day that’s more fun than average, you’re doing this entire world a great service. You in a better frequency state = this entire world in a better frequency state. So, go pursue your joy selfishly and selflessly. THANK YOU.

Additional Resources

As an Astrologer and Energy Coach, I desire to help you change the frequency of your energy field to experience, attract & create a life you love. This helps everyone. I have several other offerings to take you deeper into this work.

Here's are my offerings:

  • Free monthly Full Moon Circles: Utilizing the full moon dynamic, I talk about the current Astrological dynamics and facilitate a group energy field tuning exercise.

  • $40 Lunar Cycle Energy Readings: This is a 20-minute recording where I use your natal chart to share personal details for the month ahead that help you tune your frequency in alignment with the cosmic dynamics present.

  • $110 Astrology Reading and Energy Tuning Session: For deeper clearing and expansion, I utilize your natal chart and the transits to shift the frequency of your energy field to be in alignment with the life you want to experience, attract, and create. This 60-minute private session produces quick results and supports you in maintaining more expansive states of frequency in your day to day life.

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